No-Knead Stealth Bread {and Cookbook Giveaway!}

no knead stealth bread

You’ve no doubt pondered the question: If there was one food that you could eat as much as you want, with no-down side, what would it be? Steak Diane? Linguine Alfredo? Boston Cream Pie? Continue Reading →

Baked Onion Rings


baked onion rings

I grew up in a “village.” Not a town, or a city, but a village. It sounds all European and quaint, but actually it was the village of Hopwood, in southwestern Pennsylvania. I never knew why it qualified as a village, so I turned to the internet {where, of course, everything is true}. Continue Reading →

Tomato Basil Phyllo Tart {Keeping it simple}

Tomato Basil Tart

I’m really an introvert. No one believes me when I say that, but it’s true. Large gatherings make me nervous, I’m terrible at small talk, and given the choice of going to a big party {especially a costume party} or putting on my elastic pants and watching a movie at home, I’ll choose the latter. Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Turkey Lasagna {It’s not about the meal…}

pumpkin lasagna

I started it. And for a short time, I was “religious” about it. I did it maybe two dozen times. But as time went on, I got “busy.” Or I “forgot.” The last time was 9 years ago.

NINE. YEARS. Continue Reading →

Huckleberry Zucchini Bread

huckleberry zucchini bread

When you bring home souvenirs from a trip, do you pick up a coffee mug? A refrigerator magnet? Maybe a t-shirt? To commemorate an incredible vacation in Idaho, I just carefully transported — in a cooler, for the 21-hour drive covering 4 states, a very precious memento. A small ziplock bag full of… huckleberries. Continue Reading →

Sweet & Spicy Pickled Onions {Beware of food-eating contests!}

sweet spicy pickled onions

I’ve worked in “Top 40” radio and I’ve worked in Christian music radio – and there are actually more similarities than differences. The hours can be bizarre, creative people can be a challenge to manage {understatement – and I’m including myself here!} … and it’s an absolute blast. Continue Reading →

Tropical Avocado Brownies {Don’t invite me to your costume party.}

Tropical Avocado Brownies

We all have our quirks. But my list might be longer than the average person’s…

I don’t drink beverages that fizz, “echo songs” drive me nuts, and I’ve never been one for costume parties. In fact, I’d compromise on either of the first two just so I didn’t have to go to the last one. I’ll either make up a “previous commitment” (as in, I previously committed – to myself – that I would stay home and catch up on “House of Cards”) or I’ll be the one that shows up sans costume, as if I’m on my way to or from somewhere else.

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Pea Soup {Do people really crochet underwear?}

pea soup

There I was, sitting in the sun on my deck, greeting golfers as they passed by on their way to the next hole.

When those I knew asked what I was up to, I simply said “shelling peas” – as if it were as commonplace as “watering my plants” or “walking the dog.”  I might as well have said “I am crocheting a new pair of underwear.” or “I am teaching myself morse code.” Most responded with that funny expression a dog makes when he hears something confusing and cocks his head to one side.

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Barbecued Meatloaves

barbecue meatloaves

Husband and I will have been married 19 years this fall. I’ve made a LOT of meals in those 19 years, but it occurred to me that, somehow, I had never, ever, made him one of my favorites from childhood. Continue Reading →

Bacon BBQ Trail Mix {a.k.a. Trail Mix for Carnivores}

 Bacon BBQ Trail Mix
This one is for bacon-lovers – and the people that love them {because this is a great way to show your affection}. If you like your snacks with a good combination of salty & sweet, crunchy & chewy, meet this Bacon BBQ Trail Mix. This doesn’t meet my usual requirements for a “healthy” option… unless you can demonstrate some restraint after the first handful. Good luck with that!

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